A compact thermonuclear reactor is expected to be built in the UK by 2025

British officials gave the go-ahead and agreed on the details of building a promising thermonuclear reactor on the country’s territory based on the extraordinary policy. The demonstration plant is expected to be operational by 2025 and provide evidence of work on the proposed approach. The Canadian General Fusion will be involved in the development and construction of the reactor, but does not want to generate electricity for the demonstrators.

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Location with ovens seen by the artist. Image Source: General Merger

General Fusion of Barnaby, British Columbia, Canada began developing a relatively compact fusion device in 2009. MDF technology involves two methods of initiating and maintaining a thermonuclear reaction: sluggish contraction of the fuel target and magnetic control of the plasma.

Fuel is injected into the reactor while a centrifugal shock wave is created centered on the edge of the reactor working scale. This compresses the plasma held in a magnetic field inside the reactor and induces a fusion reaction. It is argued that this method makes it possible to use conventional copper knitted electromagnets at room temperature for plasma control instead of expensive superconducting magnets. This is a serious benefit to the economics of the nuclear reactor.

An interesting method has also been proposed to eliminate fusion energy. The nuclear reactor has an inner casing that rotates continuously. Inside the house, the centrifugal wrenches distribute an even layer of a liquid layer of a lead-lithium alloy. The fast neutrons formed during nuclear fusion are absorbed by this layer and this energy generates heat and electricity. The liquid metal ceiling protects devices and the environment from radiation.

Laboratory furnace. Image Source: General Merger

Under laboratory conditions, the experts at General Fusion carried out more than 200,000 experiments with components of the fusion reactor on a scale of one to ten. The dimensions of the UK demonstrator will be 70% of the dimensions of the future business facility. The demonstrator should have the opinion reviewed and accurately determine the profitability of the business facility. The demonstrator was not supposed to produce electricity, it had to compress the fuel once per second and show the possibility of starting a thermonuclear fusion.

Construction of the demonstrator will begin on UKAEA’s Galham campus near Oxford in 2022. No site has yet been selected for future business installation. General Fusion is expected to operate the UK’s first commercial fusion nuclear reactor in the early 1930s.

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