New submersion method being considered for Fukushima debris cleanup

The operator of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, which suffered core meltdowns in 2011, is considering a new submersion method for removing radioactive fuel debris that would wholly encase a reactor building in a water-filled, tank-like structure, a source close to the company said Thursday.

Conceptual breakthroughs with the method, whose advantages include using water’s ability to interrupt radiation and thereby provide a safer working environment, have made it a promising candidate for the cleanup of the defunct nuclear plant, according to the source close to Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings ( Tepco).

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  • Tepco is considering applying a new submersion method for removing radioactive fuel debris from the No.  3 reactor at the Fukushima no.  1 nuclear power plant.  |  NUCLEAR REGULATION AUTHORITY / VIA KYODO

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